I had the blessing of attending the Presbytery minister's retreat at Vaughn Park early this week, which provided numerous opportunities to reconnect with colleagues and friends within the Presbytery, but also a little time to get to Long Bay and the regional park. I managed a longer run out to Okura estuary, and a sunrise beach run on Tuesday. We cannot see the sun for the cloud, but we know it is there.
My experience of the retreat required the whole journey; day one was connecting with people and the programme, led by Rev. Rose Luxford the moderator of Assembly. Day two, we were set a group task in the afternoon to make a small drama about a mistake or problem we had encountered in ministry. For some reason the task overpowered me and I felt enveloped in a cloud of despair. Everything seemed like a mistake and a problem all at once! However, the same group cleaned up the quiz triumphantly that night, which boosted my mood. The third morning was a communion service and a very affirming time in which I felt the words of grace spoken and the worship like a healing balm. Thank the Lord I didn't run away on day two. The grace and healing were clouded, but revealed in due time.
I checked back on my blog, and this is the third pastor's pen with the title Through a glass darkly. Obviously a favourite theme of mine, but each post is quite distinct and without much repetition. Apostle Paul gave us the image, he knew a thing or two about the human condition. In order for us to see things clearly, in matters of mundane fact or in the spiritual life, we need a little patience before we make up our mind. Very often, the passage of time and simply persevering with the problem we have will reveal a better answer than an impatient response or dismissal. God knows us inside and out, and wants to grow in us the ability to stay the course in following Him, because of His great love.
"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Cor 13:12