By the time you read this, I'll probably be on a tropical island having a pleasant time. It's an island with a number of churches, one of which has been recommended to us. I don't imagine it's a place place where Christians experience much in the way of persecution, aside from a few jibes from their less religious relations.
Today is the international day when the church is called to pray for the persecuted church. We have had a bit to do with Open Doors in recent years, and this is their primary area of ministry. This year we are called to 'stand as one' with the persecuted, and to 'stop the violence by praying to our powerful God.'
Left to my own devices, I don't tend to feel very powerful or influential; there are many political, economic and environmental issues in the world that trouble me. But when God's people gather and pray, and say 'amen!' together, we sense the unity of the people, and in faith, God's power.
We don't spend a large amount of time praying in any given service - maybe we need more? But I know many of you pray each day for many things. Open Doors tell us; "By joining thousands of Christians around the world to pray, you stand as one against extreme persecution. Together, we ask God to stop the violence and start the healing." Some of us in this congregation come from countries where Christians are persecuted, so this should be close to our hearts.
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18