It's sobering as we mark the passing of Mikhail Gorbachev to see the latest Russian administration doing all within its power to erase his policy of glasnost (openness) and crack down on dissent, ruling with an iron rod and a barrage of misinformation about the Ukraine invasion and life in general.
For a good few years we relaxed a little as the nuclear powers of East and West seemed to be getting on OK and everyone was more-or-less minding their own business. Now we see political tensions, a major war, an increase of CCP influence in the Pacific, climate change and all sorts of things to give us concern in the world. Is it possible for the person of faith to find the shalom of God in the midst of it all?
David wrote; 'In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.' (Psalm 4:8) David was under siege, pursued, accused, disparaged and endangered for significant periods of time, and yet he can find the shalom of God as he lays his head down to rest.
Apostle Paul declares that Jesus himself is our shalom (Eph 2:14). Our peace is a person. Chris Tiegreen writes; 'Peace isn't just a condition imparted to us. It's a state of being that comes about through a relationship.' If we lack peace, how is our relationship to God through Christ going?
Part of our witness and ministry in this place is to be a people of peace. In a culture of polarization with a media and political conversation of shallow, knee-jerk sound bites, we seek a deeper middle way of reconciliation and de-escalation. We see both sides, but look for truth in the Spirit. May you know God's shalom today.
'And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.' (Col 3:15)