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Pay what you want - Pastor's Pen for 11 September 2022

Writer: MinisterMinister

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

There's this company who show up with their photographers at a lot of the trail races I do called Photos4sale. They've got this great system where you 'pay what you want' to buy a selection of your digital images. Everyone knows that most running photos are terrible, as gravity contorts the body amusingly on the downward landing phase. The trick is to post the ones where you are 'floating' in between strides on your social media.

I think Photos4sale is a great business model, because people balk at the exorbitant price of Rotorua Marathon photos for instance, but these ones are affordable and I'm guessing even more people get their photos because you literally 'pay what you want.'

They came into my mind yesterday because I commented on a running group Facebook post where the person posted race photos with the Photos4sale watermark showing indicating they hadn't been paid for. My comment was about the ethics of using the photos without payment, given they were potentially so cheap to buy and someone's legitimate livelihood. Okay, so I broke my rule of not commenting on anything potentially conflict causing...people have weird and illogical responses. I caused offense. Sigh and move on....

Anyway, it got me thinking about church, what we put in, and what it means to us. Church is literally 'pay what you want' in terms of time, resources, attendance, talents and contribution. There is a sliding scale between the people who may show up twice a year for Easter and Christmas, to the ones who are at worship most weeks and contribute their time and talents on a more or less constant basis. You know, I'm ever thankful we don't do that Pentecostal thing where there's a mini sermon about the offering every week, giving people the guilt trip so they put more in the plate. What a drag that is.

However, as our AGM is upon us, I do invite you to take the opportunity to review your contribution to church life. Maybe you do too much, and need to build in the concept of sabbath rest to your serving in the church. Maybe you are hiding your light under a basket (Luke 11:33 etc.) and we need to see you shine more. Maybe you need to review what you give financially and adjust it according to your changed circumstances.

I love the freedom we have in this. No one is forcing any of us to contribute anything, although it has to be said, sometimes the calling of the Holy Spirit is assisted by a bit of (ahem) gentle human persuasion. Anyway 'pay what you want', as God guides you, that's my approach in dealing with time, talents and money. Give credit where it's due, but be realistic and faith-filled at the same time as you give and receive in this faith community.



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