17kms on the beach last Saturday included a whole lot of solitude. When the rain is hosing and the wind blowing it keeps the fair-weather travelers indoors. Only the most ardent dog walkers, all weather swimmers and slightly bonkers trail runners venture out. All good, as far as I'm concerned. Peaceful.
Knowledge of both tides and terrain assist those who journey here. Regarding the inevitable spiritual journey comparison that accompanies Pastor's Pen, Mike Riddell suggests; 'Godzone has a geography too, though it's a little different from any you've ever seen before. If you want to find your way around, It's helpful to know something of the terrain. There are no borders, but there is a centre.'
Christ is the centre. The journey is towards Christ, if the New Testament is to be taken seriously. But like the Israelites bumbling round the desert for forty years before arriving at Canaan the land of promise, it's the work of a lifetime. The human condition renders this inevitable to a degree. The fallen nature indicates that struggle will follow. Prayer is essential.
In my little daily devotional Eugene Peterson reading the other day, he made me smile a little with this observation on prayer; 'The human condition teeters on the edge of disaster. Human beings are in trouble most of the time. Those who don't know they are in trouble are the most in trouble. Prayer is the language of the people who are in trouble and know it, and who believe or hope that God can get them out.'
In the journey to the centre, Holy Spirit is both compass and companion, humble prayer is both soundtrack and sustenance. May you journey well and in peace. M