Mt Victoria, Devonport
The cyclist occupies a space between pedestrian and motorist, although, as most vitriolic talk-back bike haters tend to forget, cyclists are often both of those things as well. We occupy a tenuous place in a transport infrastructure that historically was unaware of our existence.
Riding to the top of Mt. Vic without stopping is challenging, requiring the lowest gear and a bit of grunt, even on the feather-light midlife crisis road bike I ride. The summit is vehicle free thanks to the maunga authority, but the cyclist has enough room to just carry on and enjoy the car free experience. The space between.
Covid lock-down reminded and confirmed to me that regular exercise is like medicine to my mental health, a balm to the soul. You see me on Sunday, relatively well-dressed and in my right mind. Or at least that's the plan. What has gone on beyond Sunday to keep me healthy and mentally flourishing? Plenty of outdoor exercise usually, which is why it's been so great to see the sun out this last while.
Do we check in with one another outside of Sunday? We are churchgoers together, but do we know who is flourishing and who is not the rest of the week? Mental health challenges are often invisible; anxiety, depression and so on. We can be very good at hiding them. In that space between church visits, beyond Sunday, let us be open to really caring for one another as God leads us to belonging in this place.