A crisp morning at Centennial Park...

The photo shows the world sloping to the left, but with a clear path nonetheless. In reality it's just the side of a hill sloping to a gully that runs out towards Campbell's Bay. The physical world is not really bent out of shape, it's just a surface wrinkle.
Some of us feel a little 'bent out of shape' as we contemplate further Covid restrictions heading inconveniently towards Christmas and summer. Our world is not as it should be, we perhaps feel we are walking on shifting sands. I found some random pockets of 'quicksand' running on Takapuna Beach the other day. Very tricky...
Depending on our point of view, we might regard bishop/apostle/pastor Brian Tamaki either with contempt or in some cases with sneaking admiration. Contempt seems to be the popular choice. There is outrage that the Police stood by on the day of his lockdown protest. However, as one of my colleagues pointed out, it seems clear the authorities are working up to a more orderly post-event prosecution of the leaders of the protest, measured against Covid level 3 rules. On the day they were primarily concerned with surveillance and observation.
You may have noticed in me the tendency to observe and internally process things before making bold proclamations (if indeed a bold proclamation is due). It's clear that many larger churches, particularly those influenced by American Pentecostalism or 'mega churches' are dealing with polarisation in their congregations, concerning pandemic conspiracy theories, vaccinations and so on. I get random emails from Pastor Mortlock of City Impact, he seems to be leading an interesting dance of Vaccine skepticism.
I listened to Pastor Grant Harris's message recorded at the Windsor Park Baptist online service last Sunday, and there was a reference to this issue of polarisation and dissension in the body of Christ woven in quite strongly. It was an example to me of a steady hand of wise leadership.
I am thankful for the unity I sense in our congregation, and I pray that this will continue as we slowly but surely emerge from the grip of the pandemic, as vaccinations increase and restrictions decrease. There is enough challenge in the present moment to occupy us, without straining too far ahead to circumstances we cannot predict. Looking too far ahead will surely get us all 'bent out of shape'. I'll close with this quote which has been helpful to me lately;
Watch your way then, as a cautious traveller; and don't be gazing at that mountain or river in the distance, and saying, 'How shall I ever get over them?' Keep to the present that is before you, and accomplish that in the moment that belongs to it. The mountain and the river can only be passed in the same way; and when you come to them, you will come to the light and strength that belong to them. M.A. Kelty
May you know and receive the light and strength you need for each day, and see the path through the uneven and unexpected terrain, as God provides. May you know peace.
Even now in the UK, we need to keep to the present as there as so many things, Covid and other to keep us on our knees, trusting God to lead us step by step. Soon, Keith and I will be offered the 'booster' jab. Some of our old people have had reactions, others have not had any at all. We will accept it gratefully and the usual flu jab as well! :)