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Through a glass, darkly - Pastor's Pen 10th July 2022

Writer: MinisterMinister

Blurred cityscape from Sulphur Bay, Northcote Point, 4th July 2022

Hoping for a clear view of the city last night on my run, instead I accidentally made some abstract landscape art. You're welcome.

So much has become blurred as we live through a third year of pandemic disruption now that a bad flu season and ongoing Covid concern continues. Add to this various other disruptions in world climate, politics and economics. A lot of it is beyond our control and we feel like we've been 'on hold' for way to long. We may feel anxious or out of sorts.

Having been to a couple of pastor's events lately, most congregations are in much the same boat. Talking to my colleagues, it's really challenging to feel encouraged amid half-empty churches, disrupted programmes and challenged budgets. Continuity of ministries, succession plans and growth seem almost impossible from the perspective of our worst days.

But here's the thing; though the destination is unclear, and the lie of the land is blurred we can still observe beauty and hope. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:12;

Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. (NLT)

We are living through challenging times, but all faith communities from time to time do so. There is no reason to imagine God has abandoned the project of redeeming humanity and bringing heaven to earth through Jesus Christ.

I do think with some conviction thought that the ways in which we conduct mission and ministry are being turned upside down. If we think it will be back to business as usual I'm suggesting that is quite unrealistic.

By all means keep the best parts of hospitality and belonging, worship and sacrament, indeed enhance and grow them. However, we are going to have to take some risks strategically in ministry, in partnership with like minded neighbours and in connection with the resources of our PCANZ family. Our resources need to be used wisely and with innovation. We remain a people of optimistic hope in Jesus. Prayer is foundational.



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