Ten-part TV series The Day of the Jackal recently caught my eye, so I'm steadily binge-watching it on TVNZ+. It's been nominated for two Golden Globes this week, so I suppose it must be good, right? It's been years since I read the Frederick Forsyth book of the same name so I can't remember the details, but the new series certainly captures the essence of the book. The story is of a highly skilled and solitary assassin, on a mission to eliminate a public figure, and the dogged secret agent on his case.
The Bible opens with the pages of Genesis documenting not only the creation, but shortly thereafter humanity's fall from grace and forced departure from Eden. Whether you take these chapters literally or symbolically, it seems to me they capture with distinct accuracy the human condition of fallen-ness, with our preference for making our own way in spite of God's gift of life and communion. Watching the news of the world surely confirms the evidence of human behaviour as a departure from God and a lust for self-determining power. This captures the essence of Genesis ch.3, with its creation and fall. As a species we are doing it by the book. Professor Geering wrote in 2006; "today it is widely recognised that the human race now has within its grasp the power to annihilate itself; and it is by no means certain that it has the spiritual maturity to prevent such a catastrophe."
In these times, God's faithful people must, with purpose, seek spiritual maturity and wisdom. In this Advent season we wait for the Christ child, keenly watching for His coming in our faith communities, and by His Spirit. The message of the gospel, the text we receive by faith, is one of hope, love, joy and peace. May we find its essence in out families, our neighbourhoods and even our nation this Christmas.