© Michael Leunig
There is something about the visual arts that frees us from a linear approach to life, and contributes to our mental well-being. Art can be ambiguous and make us think, confronting us and leading us to outrage, laughter or pondering. I know that four years of practical art at high school with the same Liverpudlian art teacher, did a lot to shape my sense of humour and preserve my teenage sanity. The artist can be prophet, poet, mirror to the soul or court jester.
News from Australia this week reported the sacking of Melbourne Age cartoonist Michael Leunig, after more than fifty years. I guess he pushed the boundaries one too many times. I have two of his books on my shelves, and his work is whimsical, insightful about the human condition, and often spiritual. They are collections of poem-prayers with his own inimitable style of illustration.
Politics and the state of the world currently seem grim. We have economic and political tensions in Aotearoa. Our churches are not immune from this, but at least we have a story of hope to direct our eyes and hearts toward God. We need the artists and the poets more than ever to allow us to think outside the box, imagine a different future and move forward with joy.
"God help us to change. To change ourselves and to change our world. To know the need for it. To deal with the pain of it. To feel the joy of it. To undertake the journey without understanding the the destination. The art of gentle revolution. Amen." Michael Leunig