Many of the trails in the Waitākere Ranges are being rehabilitated in an attempt to mitigate the spread of Kauri dieback disease Phytophthora agathidicida. It seems like a new thing, but in reality has been brewing in our forests for many years. I recall knowing as a child that Kauri had sensitive root systems that didn't appreciate being walked on.
I still remember the Waitākere mud from my youth, so am in two minds as to whether I prefer that or the endless boardwalks and steps which are proliferating. As I get closer to 60, the boardwalks are becoming more appealing...?
It was good on anniversary Monday to rediscover the Cascade area from Falls Rd. by the Waitākere Golf Course. Determined trapping of introduced pest species in the area contributes to a lushness and diversity of the forest undergrowth and wildlife.
It's good to stop and wonder at the layers of life that can be seen even on one tree trunk. It's like an ecosystem within an ecosystem.
As we launch into another busy year, let me remind and invite you to stop and wonder. Pause, and see the layers of life, the details about people and places right under your nose.
Being in nature can remind us; "In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and the dry land, which his hands have formed." (Psalm 95: 4-5)
If God can handle all that, he can surely handle what comes our way this year. Shalom