Takapuna with rainbow - this time last year...
Being currently limited to cycling rather than running due to a minor injury, I'm more inclined to keep an eye on the weather as winter progresses. The significantly greater speed of cycling amplifies one's exposure to the vagaries of Auckland's climate. The perfect time to set off is a fine lunchtime between showers and squalls. The worst time is is when rush hour and the school run briefly coincide twice daily, particularly with the angle of winter sunlight. People are so focused on the tasks of their day and welfare of their precious offspring that cyclists often become invisible, in spite of wearing orange enhanced with various flashing lights.
With the passing of time comes experience and the wisdom to know when something should be attempted. Or should one continue to exercise patience and pick a better time? At least we hope to become wiser and more patient as time passes. This applies to minor, niggling matters like managing a calf strain, or going for a bike ride, as well as more significant life issues and crossroads. Sometimes we pray and pray, but it seems God is not listening.
A wise colleague once said; "God always gives you something." I believe this. It might be a fine rainbow after a deluge, or a conversation that shows the answer to a problem. It might be the offer of a job, or an invitation from a friend. Whatever the weather, hope can emerge.
"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" (Ps 27:14)